We’re losing our Edge

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Tomorrow’s issue of The Edge, our newsletter, will unfortunately be the final one for a little while as we’ve reached the end of Cricket 365’s sponsorship.

The Edge is fun to write, but time-consuming, so without a sponsor it’ll have to go into hiatus/a coma. Think of it like a DRS thing. It’s neither out, nor not out. Either way, after 505 issues (506 tomorrow) Brian Lara’s been well and truly put in his place.

The Edge started out as The Wisden Cricketer Newsletter in 2009 and then became The Cricketer Newsletter when they rebranded a few years later. When they binned us, we ran it as Cricket Badger and then after that it was Wisden Cricket Weekly for a bit.

In other words, at one time or another, pretty much everyone’s had a go. (Except Cricinfo, but Cricinfo are mostly focusing on spreadsheets and big name interviews at the minute, so it’s not really a very good fit.)

Our provisional plan is to maybe bring The Edge back for high profile events, like World Cups and the really big Test series. If that draws more interest than running it weekly, maybe it’ll become an attractive proposition again. Who knows?

We could also add it to our Patreon as some sort of reward/goal type thing, but we’re not sure that would come to much as there’s obviously pretty significant overlap between newsletter subscribers and King Cricket readers and so not necessarily a great many more patrons out there.

Weirdly – considering we’re effectively announcing that the thing’s coming to a halt – it’s a good time sign up for it. That way, should anything actually happen, you’ll be on the list and you won’t miss out. You can sign up here.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email...

...so he's on his way to see you!


  1. That is a real shame as I always rather enjoyed it. But I am always mystified about how anything actually makes any money on the internet. I know there is advertising, but if cricket 365 sponsors your email, I assume that is advertising their site, which in turn makes money from advertising. Surely someone needs to actually buy something at some point. I’m not remotely interested in the stock market software which this site is currently dangling seductively before me, so it won’t be me today

    1. Welcome to the struggle of every publisher. Particularly the ones (all of them, really) who decided to give content away for free from about 2002. (Private Eye were too old school to get their heads around the web, and were so far behind the trend that they never sorted a content website. Then they spotted it was a silly thing to do anyway. The result is booming subscriptions. Good on them!)

      Adverts make minimal cash unless you’re massive or very niche. So if in doubt, and where’s there’s an option, pay for it!

      That’s a Patreon plug for you KC.

  2. “Yeah, I’m losing my edge
    I’m losing my edge
    The kids that are coming up from around the wicket
    I’m losing my edge
    I’m losing my edge to the kids from Twitter and from Tik Tok
    But I was there

    I was there in 1989
    I was there at the first Athers innings at Trent Bridge
    I’m losing my edge
    I’m losing my edge to the kids whose footsteps I hear when they type ‘Sachin is God’
    I’m losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every backup spinner from every England away tour from 1982 to 1998

    I’m losing my edge to all the kids in Jaipur and Brisbane
    I’m losing my edge to the art-school Hundred fans in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for Ian Austin”

  3. Can’t you just stick two or three awesome old cricket vids from YouTube on here every couple of weeks instead? That was the best bit to be honest, much as I love the cricketer spots and the random Shastri quotes. Shame it’s going though. Progress eh?!

      1. Well, you don’t do requests, so I specifically don’t request that you consider some 90s Nat West trophy stuff, or some Gladstone Small, or some Malcolm Marshall if you ever do get round to this. Hell – just get all of us to sort out the links and stuff. Make it more democratic. As we all know from recent events – democracy is always a brilliant thing that makes everyone very happy.

    1. Surely a good cricketer spotted might still find its way into the public domain, e.g. through a short guest piece on this site.

      As might the occasional rant of your own about witless/jargon-ridden/nonsensical commentry and punditry.

  4. This is a shame, but on the plus side, I won’t feel guilty every other week for not sending you accounts of all the cricketers I meet until I remember that I live in a small town in Central Europe where there are none. (Except a few people with a bat and a ball occasionally.)

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