We’re away for a few days

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We’re going to the Lakes. But it’s okay, we’ve got stuff written and ready to go. You might well ask why we didn’t use some of that stuff yesterday. Well, er, it was already scheduled for next week and we, er… dunno. Shut up.

This opens up the delightful possibility that Sachin Tendulkar will hit his hundredth international hundred and we won’t react to it. Bright-eyed Sachin fans will doubtless head straight to King Cricket as soon as he reaches three figures, but they won’t be greeted by a paean to their hero; they’ll get a photo of Tino Best accompanied by a limp and faintly crude joke.

Back Wednesday. Or Thursday. Behave yourselves.


  1. From Mountain Weather Information Service


    Headline – The Lake District
    Severe upland gales later on. Extensive low cloud, drizzly rain west.

    How Windy?
    Westerly 25 to locally 30mph morning. Then strengthening from west to 40 perhaps locally 50mph gusts 55, locally 70mph.

    Effect Of Wind?
    Buffeting becoming considerable, and any mobility difficult on higher fells. Significant wind chill.

    How Wet?
    Increasingly drizzly

    Pulses of drizzly rain now and again, mainly afternoon western and central fells by midday.

    Cloud on the hills?
    Extensive all day

    Persistent low cloud, base 300 to 500m, lifting at times to 500 to 750m eastern Lakeland fells.

    Chance of cloud free Summits?
    Less than 10%

    Sunshine and air clarity?
    Sunshine not expected. Visibility dropping in rain, and extensively foggy on the hills.


    You do have to appreciate the term “increasingly drizzly”. In two words it conveys everything that a foreigner would need to know about what the British weather can do to one’s soul. Not rain – rain has a freshness about it, and sometimes can be spectacular in its intensity. Not even just drizzly – that would be bad, but there remains the hope of a better future. No, the weather will be increasingly drizzly – so wipe that smile off your face and start accepting that life is shit.

    I remain jealous. The Lakes is the best place to be in any weather. Are you going walking / climbing / fell running?

  2. The Lakes are great but it is 27 here in Plettenberg Bay S Africa and sunny and I had a wonderful swim in the Indian ocean this afternoon.

  3. Thought you may be interested in this gem from Matthew Hayden (source below).


    “The fans, all six of them that go watch the game, actually aren’t interested in that as an entertainment property,” he said.

    “For me, the eyes need to be on the tournament and focused around what our fans love. Because cricketers, when it all boils down to it, are nothing different to an entertainment package like someone from the music industry.”

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