The danger with the Champions Trophy has always been that people might look upon the celebration photos in years to come and think, “Wait, these guys didn’t win a World Cup, did they? What the hell was this?” Someone, somewhere, therefore came up with idea of forcing the winners to wear white jackets over the top of their playing kits, safe in the knowledge this would look timelessly classy and not at all like some weird Miami Vice reboot.
White jackets aren’t the most incongruous sporting champions’ attire. Just off the top of our head, we can think of the txapela that is donned by the winner of cycling’s Tour of the Basque Country and we’re sure there are plenty of similarly inappropriate mandatory victory garments.

The white jackets are probaby cricket’s highest profile silly winners’ clothing though.
The ICC call them ‘iconic’. As a rule of thumb, if someone uses the word ‘iconic’ about something they’ve made themselves, it immediately renders the item in question ineligible for icon status.

And why white anyway? Is it because it’s the one colour you can guarantee a one-day international team won’t be wearing?
A happy byproduct of this is that if you catch a glimpse of one from the right angle, it can look quite like a lab coat.

We used to go to a curry house where all the chefs wore lab coats. They were very unconcerned by convention in that place. They also had candelabra-style ceiling lighting mounted horizontally on the walls.
Also faintly ridiculous is the fact this year’s Champions Trophy jackets have the word ‘Pakistan’ embroidered on them.

Guess they can just felt-tip “and Dubai” in themselves.
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