Ravi Bopara does even more DIY

< 1 minute readIf you’re tired of updates about an indifferent Ravi Bopara helping to promote Nuts magazine via a National Shed Week PR stunt, then you might want to stop reading now. Because here’s Ravi standing outside a shed with his drill and his barbecue and also his rake: We’re hungry by

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How to play the back foot defensive

< 1 minute readTextbook. Keep your eyes off the ball to minimise any chance of edging it. This batsman is looking the opposite way to eliminate even the slightest possibility that he might catch sight of the ball. The merest glimpse could potentially cause him to play for it. Better still he has

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A match report from Greece

3 minute readMiriam et al. report from Greece where they witnessed the television coverage of England’s not-at-all fictional win over New Zealand first-hand. If you are thinking of sending a match report, consider this confirmation that not only does the report not have to be timely, it also doesn’t particularly matter if

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