Jos Buttler wearing an ice bra

< 1 minute readWe think that’s what it is. Or maybe it’s just a conventional sports bra and therefore entirely normal. The image comes from an ECB video that’s largely about how hot it is in the UAE. Jos appears shortly after Mark Wood has said: “We’ve had lads grabbing ice and putting

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A cricket sign

< 1 minute readNe says: “I saw this.” We asked where it was taken. He said: “In Cardiff. I think.” We asked if he had anything else to add. Ne added that it was taken “in a park”.

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Cricket photography action shots

2 minute readRob Steen has written a great piece for Cricinfo about the generally sorry state of cricket photography. Basically, a lot of the agency people couldn’t give a toss about cricket and reaction shots are an easy way to get something vaguely usable. Steen mentions the highly regarded Patrick Eagar as

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