We wait on the Buttler

< 1 minute readIf you report on player transfers before they’ve been confirmed, you’re starting out on a slippery slope. Next thing you know, you’ve got a section of your website called ‘transfer gossip’ which wastes people’s time telling them about things which won’t happen. We’re not sure exactly where we’re up to

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Jos Buttler and the ramp shot

2 minute readA good few players try the ramp shot these days, but few score as great a proportion of their runs with it as Jos Buttler. At times he seems unaware the pitch has sides, creating a two-spoked wagon wheel behind bowler and wicketkeeper. The Buttler version of the ramp is

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Jos Buttler – pros and cons

2 minute readIf you write for a proper newspaper, reporting on county cricket is largely about identifying the English player who did best on the day and then saying that he’s going to get a national call-up before too long. Yesterday, we read a comment from Jos Buttler’s coach at Somerset, Andy

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