Some really pretty amazing Ashes-themed artwork

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Long-term readers/masochists will be aware that this website has often published cricket-themed artwork.

This beautiful picture of Rob Key by Suave brought forth a veritable torrent of follow-up works, including Rob on a capybara in front of a wall of flame, Rob making the diving stop of his life and of course the earth-shattering slab of magnificence that was the subject of the greatest post of all time.

Sam writes:

“It was Sunday morning, and the art materials were out.

“‘Look daddy,’ the oldest one said. ‘I’ve drawn a picture of you and mummy.’

“But daddy wasn’t listening. He was busy working on his own project.

“The result now hangs proudly on our kitchen wall, alongside so many other childish scribbles.

“I am considering documenting the entire Ashes series in this format.

“Hey, it’s better than paying for BT Sport.”


  1. I love that newspaper.

    Also took me forever to figure out who TB is. I thought he was one of the Australia Australians.

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