Samit Patel looks to Darren Lehmann for help

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< 1 minute read

Everyone needs a role model and with Samit Patel’s weight issues, who better to turn to than Mark Cosgrove‘s mentor. Samit Patel is heading to Darren Lehmann’s cricket academy in a bid to get in shape for next season.

Other places Samit considered suitable:

  • Bed
  • The settee
  • A bakery


  1. That might be Ian Bell with him in thast photograph. On the other hand, it might not. I’m indifferent to whether it is or not.

    And on the subject of indifference to Ian Bell, had he survived a further 11 balls yesterday afternoon, I might have had a fundamental shift of views about him.

    As it was, he almost played a match winning innings but then ultimately tried to flush it all down the toily at the 59th minute of the 11th hour. So I am bewildered back to an indifferent position, as always.

  2. Whoops should have realised there would be a Bell piece up by now – darned e-mail alert thingie always best part of a day behind – I’ve switched the above comment to the right posting.

    Still, a good comment is worth making twice and I think the tenuous link between Patel and Bell was worth having.

  3. What’s a good time for the email? We never know.

    It only goes out once every 24 hours, so if it’s a two-post day one’s always going to be late.

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