Sachin Tendulkar’s helium-filled bat

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Everyone knows about Dennis Lillee’s aluminium bat, but Sachin Tendulkar’s experiment with a helium-filled bat is less well known.

Sachin thought the lightness of the bat would allow him to bat freer and longer, but unfortunately, as this picture shows, the excess of helium rendered the bat unusable.

Fun but useless - like this site when it pulls out all the stops

During the course of his career, Philip Tufnell experimented with 32 different types of unconventional bat. He never once made contact with the ball though.


  1. what I want to know is where where is the in depth repoting on what is rapidly being refered to as Harbhajan-called-Australian-man-Andrew-Symonds-of-Australia-A-Monkey,-which-is-ironic-as-I’ve-never-met-such-a-bunch-of-rascist-as-the-aussies-(no-offence-aussies-on-here,-but-it’s-ture)-gate?

  2. I think KC may be away. The “lies about pictures” items usually appear when he is away.

  3. “away”, or dodging the difficult subject?

    I know what I believe.

    They’ve gone round to Morrison’s, bought a load of cheap pork pies and and are now, as I type, gorging themselves whilst watching GMTV hoping to advoind the sports news.

    I know the truth. I know….

  4. This is why I hide in here. free from the mockery of the rest of the intertubes’ grammar and spelling fundamentalists.

    I actually know very little about cricket. It’s like baseball right?

    /me ducks and covers

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