Rob Key hits 125 against Worcestershire

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Robert KeyAfter one-day hundreds versus Surrey and Derbyshire and County Championship hundreds against Durham, Hampshire and Warwickshire, you’d think we’d be running out of things to say about how great Rob Key is.

Good job we hit upon that idea of asking prominent experts for their opinions after each of his innings, eh?

“This young chap ought to be handed the keys to the throne of Englandshire, he batted with such assured forthrightnessdom.

“At one stage, I felt a splash on my shoe and noticed that my ice-cream had melted in my hand. I’d been so absorbed by this rappscallion’s ornate stroke-making I’d completely forgotten to lick it.

“If there’s a man alive who could resist the beautifical charmingism of his back foot play, I’d like to punch them square on the nose. For they are a luddite of the highest order and ought to be shot for their disappreciationalism.

“Any form of disappreciationalism makes me sick with rage.”

He’s a very old prominent expert. And a mental one.


  1. i do not like rob key. not only was he born in dulwich….. which i believe has something to do with salt, and apparently dull salt at that, there is also that sandpaper incident to consider…. i do not like cheats, and rob key is a cheat…. it will only help my junior players indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Marvel at the strength of opinions Rob Key can garner in cricket fans.

    There’s not many players who can do that. He has all round appeal – to both those who hate him and those who like him.

    It only goes to prove Rob’s fantasticness.

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