Michael Vaughan’s paint thing

< 1 minute read You’ll have heard of Michael Vaughan’s ‘artballing’ by now. He throws, hits and bowls paint-covered cricket balls against a canvas and what results is branded ‘art’. Vaughan took this up as part of his winter getting away from cricket. We’re not entirely sure whether this really counts as ‘getting away

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Rob Key: all-rounder

2 minute read Over the years, we’ve often asked ourself: ‘Could Rob Key actually be any more awesome?’ Always the answer has been the same: ‘Not really. Only if he managed to clean bowl Northamptonshire’s David Willey.’ Finally, after years of waiting, David Willey actually started playing first-class cricket this season. Kent faced

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Steve Davies goes one better

< 1 minute read Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire. It’s Chris Read v Steve Davies in a battle for third or fourth place in the England wicketkeeping hierarchy. Game on! Steve Davies clearly said to himself: ‘Whatever Chris Read can do, I can go one better.’ Fortunately for Steve Davies, Chris Read hit 125, so ‘one

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Who is Fake IPL Player?

< 1 minute read Are you interested in who Fake IPL Player is? You can probably work it out if you’ve got the time and inclination. We have neither. We have a built-in defence mechanism against mass enthusiasm. We detest all forms of enthusiasm and the greater the number of people interested in something,

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Shahid Afridi represents Pakistan

< 1 minute read Shahid Afridi embodies the reasons why cricket needs Pakistan. Here’s a man who’s most famous for his ludicrously single-minded determination to hit every balll he faces into the moon, as if it’s somehow wronged him with its offensive nocturnal luminescence. That’s Shahid Afridi’s thing. That’s what he does. Yet he’s

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Fake IPL Player latest

< 1 minute read Kolkata Knight Riders have banned laptops apparently, so Fake IPL Player is having to update via SMS. As a result of this, the blog has become a nightmarish quagmire of abbreviations and acronyms – in short, just the sort of site we can’t bear to read. There’s no excuse. We

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A cricket ball in an unusual place

< 1 minute read Ged writes: “You might fancy the attached picture of Hippity (one of Middlesex’s most ardent fans and a well-known correspondent on Middlesex Till We Die) watching cricket while sitting on the bed with his lucky ball. “Given the particular controller he is using, he is clearly watching Ceefax, which is

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The Fake IPL Player blog writer

< 1 minute read The Fake IPL Player blog is the focus of some attention at the minute. Is it a fake IPL player or is it actually a real IPL player dishing the dirt on his Kolkata Knight Riders team mates? The writer seems to know a bit about what’s going on and

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