What is The Hayden Way?

< 1 minute readSami has just pointed us towards The Hayden Way. It’s currently a one page website which we might as well reproduce in its entirety: So what does The Hayden Way do? It prides itself on the delivery of unnecessary apostrophes.

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Mohammad Yousuf’s “retirement”

< 1 minute readIf you want to know how to retire from cricket. Look to Pakistan. Look to Mohammad Yousuf, who’s executed a textbook Pakistan cricket retirement. “This is my retirement. I have retired from international cricket.” He then added: “For now, this is it. For now this is my retirement.” That’s how

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NEW OBSESSION: Danny Morrison commentary

< 1 minute readWe haven’t had a weird obsession with a trivial element of cricket in ages. Luckily Danny Morrison’s bizarrely beguiling intonation has stepped into the breach. Hanging on his every word We don’t dislike Danny Morrison, but he’s not a good commentator. Despite this, we find ourself listening to him far

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