Chris Gayle’s core strength

2 minute read It’s generally best to avoid writing about Chris Gayle, because he seems to draw admiration – and therefore blog comments – from the biggest dickheads on the planet. It’s not that there’s nothing to admire about Gayle’s batting. It’s just that a rich seam of knobheadery sits alongside rational, justifiable

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Two cats being indifferent to King Cricket

< 1 minute read Bradders writes: “Please see evidence of the indifference shown by my two cats (Jaffa on left, Seamus the Celtic Warrior on right) to cricket, but also more specifically your website. “I left it on for a bit and for a while nothing happened. However, eventually Jaffa (through some careful standing

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Australia’s secret squad

< 1 minute read ICC: Hi Australia, could you possibly name your long list of 30 players for the Champions Trophy. You don’t have to name your 15-man squad yet, just a bunch of players who might appear in it. Cricket Australia: No. ICC: Er, why not? Cricket Australia: Because that’s just what they’ll

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Two things wrong with the 2013 IPL

< 1 minute read Let’s start slowly. We’ve plenty of time. Two things for now. More may follow. 1. Adam Gilchrist is playing Adam Gilchrist is about 110 years old. More importantly, he is not a cricketer. He was once, but he isn’t any more. No cricket competition should field people who aren’t cricketers.

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What’s today’s barometer reading?

2 minute read Some read yesterday’s post as being criticism of Ian Bell, which wasn’t really how it was intended. We just feel that of all the England players, his performances are the ones that most closely correlate with how the team fares. On day five of the third Test against New Zealand,

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