What do you make of Steve Smith’s batting?

2 minute readWe’ve been struggling with this for months and we’ve still not reached any firm conclusions. We asked an Australian friend for his view and he just said: “He’ll be fine,” which didn’t really help clarify things. We’re probably verging towards this: In good conditions in the first innings, Smith’s head’s

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Shane Watson’s muscle and skull

< 1 minute readOne of the reasons why it’s been so enjoyable to watch Shane Watson’s hapless summer is because he generally looks like the kind of batsman who can rifle a long series of chanceless fours. Yesterday, he actually did this. His drives were crisper than neglected bacon blackening under the grill

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Investing in poor debuts

< 1 minute readHow much does the ability to handle debut nerves have an impact on whether or not a player might one day thrive in Test cricket? Answer that question and you go a long way towards deciding how much attention to pay to the performances of Chris Woakes and Simon Kerrigan.

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Cricinfo scorecard news

< 1 minute readIn the spirit of being a half-arsed website with no clear direction, we thought we’d bring you the news as gathered by looking at a couple of scorecards on Cricinfo. First of all, if you haven’t seen it before, we can confirm how the internet’s foremost cricket website (Cricinfo, not

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