And now back to the cricket

< 1 minute readBecause time waits for no-one. You might think you can dawdle around, taking things in, but you can’t. Time is ravaging you. It’s a slow process, but it’s happening all the time. Your pancreas is getting wrinkly; your spleen is going grey; your brain is starting to ache in cold

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Continuing to miss Sachin Tendulkar

3 minute readConsidering he’s been the highest profile player for pretty much the whole time we’ve been following cricket, we’ve missed an awful lot of Sachin Tendulkar’s career. We went to the match in which he scored his first Test century, but we didn’t see him bat. Then, for a long time

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We haven’t written about Sachin Tendulkar

< 1 minute readWe’ve instead written about writing about Sachin Tendulkar over at Cricinfo. Within minutes of it being published, it had already attracted insightful comment: “Now finally great person retirement time will came But We expecting good support for younger with their experience. This Type of great person very low volume coming.”

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