Out with the old Windies players

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Chris Gayle looking happy WITHOUT a cricket bat - damning

The West Indies have dropped Chris Gayle, Ramnaresh Sarwan and Shivnarine Chanderpaul for the first two of five one-day internationals against Pakistan.

Whether this is actually a strong move, we don’t yet know. It depends whether any of them return. The Windies’ coach, Ottis Gibson, has had fairly transparent opinions about these players though. He thinks they don’t really give a shit, which may well be true.

Chanderpaul is pretty old now, so dropping him from the one-day side does make sense. Ramnaresh Sarwan was dropped for a while as an up-the-arse kick, but the anus pain only seemed to spur him to continued mediocrity.

Gayle’s a bit different. He is far and away the most intimidating West Indian batsman and while he certainly appears like he doesn’t give a shit, we’re reluctant to judge, because we know better than anyone that ‘appearing to not give a shit’ and ‘not giving a shit’ are entirely different things.

There’s some interesting stuff about Gayle at WICB Exposé, a site which is fairly self-explanatory if you look at the various categories it boasts: Abuse of Power, Nepotism, Mismanagement, Hypocrisy, Financial Erosion, Dirty Tricks and good, plain old-fashioned Corruption.

As a hilarious footnote to this, we found WICB Exposé by following a link from Lalit Modi’s Twitter account.


  1. Saw the tour report by Ottis Gibson on http://wicbexpose.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gibsontourreport.pdf

    If problems are measured by column inches, this was the biggest problem affect West Indies cricket right now:

    “In voicing his dissatisfaction at both the content and layout of some reports, the
    President advocated the necessity of developing a template for all reports with
    the inclusion of all necessary headings.”

    1. Wonder if Chris Gayle has a stance on the use of bullet points.

      Would he prefer plain old-fashioned bullet points or a numbered list, do you think?

    2. I’m a bit worried about the capability of the WICB. Minuted meetings and written reports are all very old fashioned.

      Surely Chris Gayle knows it doesn’t matter if they use bulleted or numbered lists, as long as all reports are produced in PowerPoint?

      How do they expect to win anything if they don’t make the players sit through interminable presentations?

    3. I don’t know. Something gives me the feeling that Chris Gayle is a Linux man. He might just have discarded the whole Windows idea as “prehistoric” and “irrelevant”.

    4. I don’t know – somehow I can’t picture Gayle at a Linux Users Group meeting, but then you never know.

      This reply typed on a machine running Mint 7.

  2. KC, this is bordering on proper journalism.

    Stop it.

    PS The WICB’s problems surely stem from the fact that its vice-president is called Dave Cameron.

  3. Sent link to WICB Expose to cricket-mad OzMate friend Les, by way of consoling him with the thought that CA possibly hasn’t reached that point. Yet. Here’s what he had to say . . .

    “I truly lament the decline of West Indian cricket. I always hated them for consistently beating – even sometimes THRASHING is – but I could never deny the ability and experience of that team of Calypso Cricketers! They seemed to have a great depth of talent, both in bowling and batting – they were the real exponents of fast bowling, in those long-gone days.”

    PS We won’t mention the PCB.

  4. Wasn’t Chanders the best bat in the universe a year ago? Or was that a parallel universe? I always mix up the two.

    1. Oh, he’s still the best batsman in the universe, but he probably won’t be in 2015 and only World Cups count when it comes to one-day internationals.

      Pay attention.

    2. Well, ODI’s *are* important in the parallel universe controlled by Modibots, creatures highly sensitive to the smell of money. For reasons unfathomable to us humans, they feed on blackberries. They are equipped to design and run cricket games that are short and lively and always “go down to the wire”. The Modibots employ white PCBs that stand beyond the boundary ropes and short-circuit themselves every time a boundary is hit. I am told this sends every robot in attendance into a state of electrical frenzy.

      In this universe, Shiv only takes 0.004 microseconds to mark guard.

    3. To be honest, blackberries are pretty high in anti-oxidants. So, this alternate universe has some pretty healthy bots.

  5. They are slowly getting rid of all the proper cricketers to make Sammy look like one of the better players in the squad.

  6. Infact West Indies board dropped senior players according to a strategy. Gayle was also dropped for 2 ODIS, but infact he was in search of excuse to join IPL. The matter is related to money.

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