Next week on King Cricket…

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< 1 minute read

There’s going to be relatively little news coverage on here next week. And by ‘relatively little’ we actually mean none. We’ve decided we need to graze in the outfield for a few days so that we can come back and hit the deck hard come the World Cup.

Clearly you’re worried about this. You’re not sure what to do. You’re not sure how you’ll cope. But it’s okay, the site isn’t going dead. Posts will be published and we’ll check in on the comments every chance we get. There’ll be a few links to articles we’ve written elsewhere recently; there’ll be a review of some predictions we made several years ago; there’ll be a statistical thing inspired by that review; and there’ll be a match report.

Hope you enjoy it all. And stop slagging us off.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. I haven’t noticed anyone slagging KC off lately. Now I come to think of it – what’s the matter with everyone?

    Cricket Top Trumps not working, blah blah…

    Bring back Laurence Elderbrook, blah blah…

    Why can’t we mention cricket in our match reports?, blah blah…

  2. Oh, I see. ODIs get special treatment. I don’t see you making extra effort to prepare for Test matches. Typical of the bias towards hit and giggle joke cricket this website has shown for so long.

    I’m of half a mind to request a refund on my subscription.

  3. I would also like to express dissapointment at the fact that it has been months since any reference to Ian Austin or Rob Key.

  4. World Cricket League Div 2 is going on in Windhoek and is actually quite interesting this year. The Big Bash is reaching its climax. According to cricinfo, Goa are playing in something or other. Is there really no news to report, no humorous angle to cover, in all this O King? I’d volunteer to go cover the Goa game, it’s freezing here.

  5. I bet the comeback headline is “The King’s back. He hasn’t got ankylosing spondylitis or anything..”

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