Mominul Haque hits a hundred

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Well that was easily the tensest sporting moment of the last 20 years. Possibly ever. There he was, on 99, and Cricinfo refreshed several times with no change to his score. Surely this moment couldn’t be ripped away from us so cruelly? We were absolutely on tenterhooks.

But huzzah! After the next refresh, his score did change and Mominul Haque has another Test hundred. They’ll be dancing in the streets of Cox’s Bazar tonight. There’d be dancing here too if it weren’t for the fact that we don’t dance and wouldn’t dream of celebrating anything in such a ridiculous way, let alone the achievements of a 22-year-old Bangladeshi batsman whose career we’re following largely because we think his name sounds kind of funny.

Mominul is currently batting with Shakib al Hasan who newer readers may not know we’ve been following since 2006. That should probably be considered a warning that Mominul coverage is unlikely to die down any time soon.


  1. Thank goodness we have finally moved away from the deadly dull subject of KP.

    We now turn our attention again, at last, to young talent; a fast-developing player in a developing cricket nation.

    …and what a player Mominul Haque is becoming…

    …is it too soon to suggest that he might be Bangladesh’s answer to Kevin Pietersen?

  2. I don’t know if you’ve been to Cox’s Bazaar KC but dancing in its streets is very inadvisable. Far too much dung. They do however have an excellent KFC where people might congregate for a celebratory Bargain Bucket.

    1. One of the best (ie most whimsical) reasons for Bangladesh to retain Test status is so that “Cox’s Bazaar” can appear on more scorecards. Never mind the dung, just get a load of that toponymical brilliance.

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