Matthew Hayden is a bit rusty

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< 1 minute read

Matthew Hayden’s been out of international cricket for a while now. It’s natural that he’d be a bit rusty. We’re not talking in terms of his batting. We’re talking in terms of his guff talking.

He’s not totally lost it though:

“This game, coming tomorrow night, is the opportunity to have that decision to find our balance and play the cricket that our talent is capable of.”

He’s also spoken about the fear of getting hit by the ball:

“Only if I watched it and executed the hundreds of thousands of balls that I have hit over my lifetime could I focus my energy on that.”

That’s The Hayden Way.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. Because of Haydos prolific guff talking I have all but eliminated saying I ‘do’ or ‘make’ anything. I now execute some beans on toast, and executed my skills in going for a dump to perfection the other day. It’s driving my wife bananas but I can’t help doing it. Sorry, executing it.

  2. I wish I had such an a’mazing skill set to execute. Maybe The Hayden Way could deliver me some.

  3. Which Aussie coach do you think introduced Hayden to the world ‘execute’? My guess is Buchanan

  4. I think you all need to be careful in this debate. The uses of the words “Hayden” and “Execute” in close proximity could bring this site to the attention of the anti-hate police. For example, I found a recent comment in which someone pointed out how funny it would be if Hayden were executed. Entirely innocent comments, but capable of being misinterpreted.

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