Mark Davies’ England call-up demands some new exclamations

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One to watch veteran, Mark Davies, has finally been called into the England squad. If he plays a Test, it is not acceptable to use mundane exclamations like ‘well bowled!’

The obvious substitutes are ‘hammer of Thor!‘ and ‘great Odin’s raven!‘ but if you tire of shouting those, here are three more to add to your repertoire:

  • Heimdall’s trumpet!
  • Sons of Ivaldi!
  • Gullinbursti’s glowing mane!


  1. your bowling is still going to suck. maybe if you’re lucky o’brien will qualify in a few years time…

  2. How about ‘Broddly gook!”

    Or that favourite of Katherine Hepburn’s characters, “Oh, my sainted Aunt”.

    Or even Prince George in Blackadder ‘Oh my sainted trousers!”.

  3. By the speed of Sleipnir!

    [Get’s the celebratory caipirinhas mixed, crosses everything and wonders how closely King Cricket is still watching this one?…We all know what happens usually….]

  4. By the Breastplate of Freya – am totally delighted – just hope that the King’s Evil does not dish the Viking’s leg when he’s so close to glory

  5. One could never tire of ‘bring forth the Mongoose’!

    It would add a little extra hilarity to Mark’s exploits as a nightwatchman too.

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