England’s selectors have sprung a slight surprise in picking Warwickshire’s Jonathan Trott.
We’ll say two things:
- Trott has scored a lorryload of runs on a pretty flat Edgbaston pitch (Jeetan Patel and Rikki Clarke have hit hundreds there this year).
- Test cricket is played on pretty flat pitches these days.
Does the pitch negate his runs to a degree or does it mean he’s a batsman who ensures he scores when conditions are good and is therefore well suited to Test cricket?
Jonathan Trott doesn’t care either way. He’s just peppering the boundary boards and leaving those questions to someone else – just as he should.
He probably won’t play anyway. Picking six batsmen is the kind of cowardly thing Australia do.
Another frickin’ south African??
What’s wrong with batsmen born in east dulwich, say?
They don’t understand the new team director.
You’ve never been to East Dulwqich, have you, price?
Or even East Dulwich??!! They never taught us proper keyboard skills down that way. Rob Key probably has the same problem.
Trotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! π
South of the planet is one thing but would you pick someone from South of the River?
We’re not generally in favour of picking players from south of the Ship Canal, if that’s what you mean.