Jimmy Week: a recap

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How do you cope with loss? You take it one step at a time, of course. What does that mean in practical terms? Why not pretend that James Anderson’s got a bit of a niggle this week? And then for the next Test, just do the same again. Jimmy’s not gone. He’s just got a bit of a hip flexor thing at the minute.

In no way undermining that strategy, here are links to all the various James Anderson pieces that went up on this site last week (and in the past), in case you missed any.


First up, four pieces that either directly or indirectly acknowledge the sheer length of his Test lifespan. You hang around this long and you accumulate all sorts of quirky stats and associations.

Attitude and ability

That last one – the bobble hat one – could just as easily go in here. These next two pieces focus more on the qualities that defined and sustained him throughout that time.

Moving on

These last two are more of a personal perspective on a player we followed very closely from before his first-class debut. The first one explains how much we invested in him as a cricketer. The second one explains why we’re nevertheless looking forward to the next Test and the next series and the next tour.


Anderson surely played Test cricket on more Wednesdays than any other player in history. The second Test starts, correctly, on Thursday.

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  1. Great compilation.

    Meanwhile, what’s the chances of Baz being poached to manage the England men’s football team?

    OK, the chances are zero. But I can’t help feeling a bit of “play like you’re enjoying it and you’re not scared of losing” would go a long way for them. Although the public performance pressure in football is off the scale.

    Roll on Thursday!

  2. Pink font? A four-way split screen photo collage?

    This place is changing. I’m not sure I like it.

    1. KC is getting us ready for The Hundred season with the snazzy fonts and montages, Sam. In any case, it’s what Jimmy would have wanted.

      I’ve just submitted a match report on last week’s match which is pretty “King Cricket old school”, as is the other recent piece submitted, about fauna displaying conspicuous indifference to cricket.

      1. But where is the “flora displaying conspicuous indifference to cricket” report, Ged? Give the public what they want!

        And, yes – of course I mean the margarine.

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