Foo picked for West Indies A-team

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< 1 minute read

TDo we pity him?

We were brought up to believe that a foo’ was someone to be pitied and the one place where we wouldn’t expect to find one would be in an A-team.

This actually is political correctness gone mad – employing a foo’ as a key component in an A-team.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. This is Jonathan Foo of Guyana, by the way.

    Not sure if we should have mentioned that in the post itself.

  2. The post has had the unfortunate effect of having me walking around the office singing George Formby songs whilst playing air ukulele.

  3. George Formby played the banjolele, not the ukulele.

    Air-Formby is therefore performed with an air banjolele – I should know – I am a leading exponent of same but only in the privacy of my own home.

    Never in the office. That’s your second mistake in one short posting, Smudge.


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