DEVICE NEWS! (A match report being conspicuously indifferent to cricket in an unusual place)

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Send your pictures of cricket bats and other cricket stuff in unusual places to As Chuck will tell you, we do actually check our inbox from time to time.

Chuck writes…

I recently attended a non-cricket match – actually a Pixies concert – in the Simmonscourt Arena in the RDS, Dublin.

At the bar before the concert – yes, dear reader, I drink – I discovered a pale, somewhat commercial, and rather flimsy looking imitation of The Device).

These were being handed out free to punters, but nobody was using them.

“These are Pixies fans, not cricket lovers,” I thought to myself, “so how would they possibly know?”

My daughter, who was accompanying me to the concert, asked why I was photographing this travesty (or “that piece of cardboard”, as she called it).

As she has not (as yet) been initiated in the ways and lore of cricket, I instead distracted her by saying, “Let’s go look at the merchandise!” 

Needless to say, I didn’t use the ‘thing’ pictured. I can only assume that the Pixies were unaware too.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. I can’t help feeling that a flimsy cardboard thing with four holes in it is not a device. By definition, a device is a robust wooden thing.

    I’m not sure that flimsy thing even qualifies as an imitation of a device. It might just about qualify as a facsimile of a device, or a template for a device.

    But it is important that we King Cricket readers see and get to assess such items. Thank you, Chuck.

    Obviously you cannot provide details of The Pixies match itself, but you could go into more detail about the magnificent picnic spread you doubtless took with you to the match and the assortment of beverages (in addition to Guinness) that you and your companions merrily imbibed.

  2. Here Comes Your Simon Mann
    Rob Key Gone To Heaven
    Crackity Geraint Jones
    Break My Bodyline
    Tony Greig’s Theme
    Wavell Hinds of Mutilation
    Nimrod Marsh’s Son
    Ed Smith is Dead
    Alec Stewart Eiffel

  3. I thought The Pixies might be one of the new IPL (Irish Premier League) cricket franchises:

    The Dublin Pixies
    The Limerick Leprechauns
    The Bangor Bangers
    The Boomtown Rats…

    That sort of thing.

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