Last IPL season, they were the Delhi Daredevils. This season, they’re Delhi Capitals. The only conclusion to be drawn is that the owners are attempting to inject a little more caution into their brand.
This is surely a commercially-wise decision. No-one wants to be associated with irresponsibility and what is a daredevil if not a selfish person who acts foolishly and without due concern for the feelings of loved ones?
(Quick digression. There used to be a US daredevil called Spanky Spangler. The internet credits him with several impressive stunts, but we will always remember him for decidedly low-rent daredevilry. On one occasion he welded a girder to the side of a second-hand car and slid alongside it in metal-soled shoes at jaw-droppingly low speed. The climax of the stunt saw him let go of the bar and crash into a wall of televisions, which fell over.)
If we do have a question, it’s “What the hell is a Delhi Capital?” We understand that Delhi is the capital of India. Are we now saying that each of the players representing the team that represents that city are capitals in their own right? What does that mean?
Another issue is that we’ll no longer get to hear the one and only Danny Morrison referring to the “Double Ds” – wilfully oblivious to the fact that this can only ever sound like a bra size. Delhi Capitals will presumably take over from the late Deccan Chargers as “the DCs“.
In a bid to really drive home their new ‘let’s be sensible, don’t take risks, safety first’ corporate message, Delhi Capitals have ensured that they have no fewer than two players called Colin in their squad (Munro and Ingram).
You *really* think that DK Morrison was wilfully oblivious to the fact that the “Double Ds” can only ever sound like a bra size? 🙂 Well, okay then . . .
Yes, we do think that. We believe it was a *wilful* act on his part.
Oh, semantics. Carry on then.
It’s not “semantics” if someone uses the exact words that needed to be used for what they were trying to convey and then someone else fails to understand it.
The memory can play cruel tricks. All this time I’ve remembered a low rent stuntman called Spanky Samuels who used to perform mediocre stunts like not quite jumping over 3 cars. I’ve googled him in the past but never been able to find him and had resigned myself to the very real possibility that I’d semi-imagined it. Turns out his name was Spanky Spangler all this time. Thank you King Cricket. Thank you for restoring my childhood.
It’s a win-win for you as well because Spanky Spangler is also a funnier name than Spanky Samuels.
I’m really curious now but no way I’m searching for ‘Spanky Spangler’ while at work.
Live dangerously. Like Spanky.
Please forgive another apropos of nothing, but I needed a forum to rant. Bancroft as Durham Captain? Replacing the sainted Colly? That is more reprehensible than thanking on Olivier on a Kolpak contract.
You do wonder what the players must think of that. One can only assume that no-one really wants to be captain this year and they’re simply happy that someone’s willing to do the job.
It is not so much that any side would want a man best known as an inept cheat and hopeless liar as a captain, it is that Durham, of all clubs, would want a man capable of that wankerish epic letter.
10 seconds into his first lecture about the ‘journey’ he’s been on, someone’ll chin him and they’ll appoint someone else.
Probably fair, Colly’s one hell of an act to follow: may as well get somebody who won’t come close.
That was meant to be a reply to KC’s reply to Thesmudge’s comment above. Gah.
A sacrificial captain.
Then when the season goes down the u-bend, again, they can blame him. I’m liking this more and more.