Dale Steyn doesn’t have a loosener

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It’s yet another amazing thing about Dale Steyn that he’s pretty damn likely to slice in and arc the first ball of the day past the batsman’s outside edge. He doesn’t really do looseners.

Our own approach to starting work is more like that of Peter Gibbons, who explains how he likes to just ‘space out’ for about an hour at the start of his working day.

“I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too. I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”

Dale’s the keen guy at work. The guy who’s really eager and ‘tries’.

But it’s okay to be that guy in his line of work, because his line of work is massively cool.

Dale’s a fast bowler.


  1. Is this the last Steyn fanboy post you’ve got for now? Or do you have a healthy stock of them ready to go?

  2. OK, it’s time to hunker down.

    A fruity little Kiwi Sauvignon Plonk (I’m laughing with it rather than at it).

    But other than that it looks like a mini fruit fest. Only alternative would be attacking some serious chocolate boxes and that will only lead to two things – one verbal and the other physical.

    Am I man or am I mouse.


    Which reminds me, if things get really serious there’s plenty of bread and some excellent cheese in the fridge.

    I shall try to resist these temptations with a serene dignity afforded to only the very few.

    Enjoy, day three, folks.

  3. I’m starting with just a large espresso, but I shall not be defeated on snacks this evening. I have iberico ham, an array of olives and manchego, plus some other cheeses and apple chutney. I may open a very good rioja if all goes well. Otherwise a bog standard one. Hooray for shopping.

  4. I’ve built my career based on Peter Gibbons work ethic – more the first half hour of his life story rather than the later part though.
    I must say, this site offocially has it all; cake, pie, kiwi savy blanks, peter gibbons, cricket and more venns than anyone man can possibly know what to do with.
    I think it’s just swell.

  5. I’m not so sure Brad. Maybe I’ve been spoiled, but it almost seems too long since I saw a good Venn.

  6. The Dawg. Now we’ve not had a chance to meet this young man (or woman), but boy that’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

  7. So, anyone else still up?

    For lunch I’ve had a parma ham and cheddar cheese wrap, followed by treacle sponge and custurd. Lovely.

    I’m enjoying this semi-nocturnal lifestyle I have at the moment, although sorting out my sleeping patterns by the time I get back to work on Monday might be a little tricky.

  8. I’ve just woken up, seems I had drifted off for a bit. Not a great deal seems to have happened apart from Cook’s relentless run accumulation and the lunch break.

  9. Well done Ali Cook.

    I’m getting a bit fed up hearing about Mitchell Johnson being a ‘sensitive soul’. How can someone with that much ink on his non-doing arm have confidence issues?

    I’m not getting fed up hearing the Barmy Army’s song for him though.

  10. Morning!
    I didn’t even make it to the first ball last night.
    However, wild mushroom gnocci and a bottle of Nottingham brewery IPA gave me the sort of dreams that made me believe that England were heading to a lead of 200…..
    Of course this could only be a dream.

  11. last night girlfriend listened to TMS as i fell asleep.

    i see this as a watershed moment in our relationship.

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