Clive being conspicuously indifferent to Shivnarine Chanderpaul’s arrival and departure

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Ged sent us a photo of Clive showing extreme indifference to the arrival of Shivnarine Chanderpaul at the crease.

This was during this season’s Essex match, so we asked Ged whether there were any signs of life in response to Shiv’s almost immediate departure.

Ged said: “Very similar lack of reaction to Shiv’s almost immediate departure.”

If you’ve got a picture of an animal being conspicuously indifferent to cricket, send it to


  1. That is a truly staggering display of indifference. That’s more indifferent than I am to the royal baby, or celebrity culture. Clive has made it into an art form. I’d congratulate him for it, but I suspect he wouldn’t care.

  2. I’m with you, Balladeer, Clive is the quintessential conspicuously indifferent animal.

    I doubt if he would be more engaged with T20, Bradders, but it is too early to tell. Clive’s owner told us that Essex v Lancs was Clive’s second match, the first being the final match of last season when he was still a very young puppy.

    In truth, Clive’s owner didn’t strike me as a T20 sort of chap, but you never know. I’ll ask Charley the Gent to keep us appraised with updates on Clive throughout the season if he is able.

    If you want more detail on our day at Chelmsford, during which we met Clive, you might want to click the following link:

  3. I think he’s more indifferent to his departure than to his arrival.

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