Chris Adams commentating on Twenty20 Finals Day

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We’re not convinced.

“He’s doing exactly what it says on the tin. Bowling straight; wicket to wicket.”

You can’t use ‘does what it says on the tin’ wherever you like. There are rules.

You can’t say: “I’m doing exactly what it says on the tin: I’m stopping in with a bottle of red wine and watching a film.”

You can’t say: “He did exactly what it says on the tin: He stole a Ford Mondeo, put it through the front window of Comet and took a load of plasma screen televisions.”


  1. How about – I’m doing exactly what it say on the tin – I’m picking the best?

    The highlight of Twenty20 finals day so far has been Tufnell on TMS – twenty over cricket is inherently a bit silly, something that the IPL doesn’t seem to have cottoned on to (unless those music videos and gold helmets were intentionally funny..), and Tuffers is nothing if not silly.

    You could say he does exactly what it says on the tin. But, as already been established, that would be wrong.

  2. I can be a little forgetful, so I have written a reminder to myself, which I have attached to the side of a baked bean tin that sits just beside the tea and coffee.

    It says, “read King Cricket this morning and attempt to make a witty response or two in the appeals areas”.

    Surely I am now doing exactly what it says on the tin?

  3. Ged, you’re very fortunate that there was a tin-based theme at King Cricket today, or you would have had to have thought long and hard before doing exactly what it says on the tin.

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