Surrey v Middlesex match report

2 minute readSam writes: Angry clouds greeted my arrival at the second day of the Guildford cricket festival. A colleague had promised a press pass would be waiting for me “at the gate.” Predictably, no such pass materialised, and said colleague was incommunicado, away on an all expenses paid trip to Spain.

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Under-nines match report

3 minute readBert writes: What an exciting start to the season it has been for the Old Filchonians Under-nines Junior Development Squad. The first match of a new season is always a fascinating one, with the crowd and coaches wondering whether any of the players remember their techniques, the rules, or which

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A cricket sign

< 1 minute readNe says: “I saw this.” We asked where it was taken. He said: “In Cardiff. I think.” We asked if he had anything else to add. Ne added that it was taken “in a park”.

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