Slavishly copying Pakistan

< 1 minute readWe did a Cricinfo piece about ways England could slavishly copy Pakistan – because if you’re beaten by a particular side, it stands to reason that EVERYTHING they do is correct. One thing that we didn’t suggest was that England should try and get their opening bowlers incarcerated. We’re quite

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Middlesex v Surrey Twenty20 match report

2 minute readGed writes: Ged Ladd & Co Ltd quietly works wonders for world cricket. People from all manner of countries where cricket is barely played (e.g. Bulgaria, Switzerland, Nigeria, Russia, Belgium, USA, Italy, China, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa) have been introduced to cricket through our company scratch matches and T20

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Surrey v Middlesex match report

2 minute readSam writes: Angry clouds greeted my arrival at the second day of the Guildford cricket festival. A colleague had promised a press pass would be waiting for me “at the gate.” Predictably, no such pass materialised, and said colleague was incommunicado, away on an all expenses paid trip to Spain.

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