2 minute readSW writes: It was agreed that The Australian and myself would enjoy a weekend of camping up at Peterborough with our acquaintance Price and some other lycra-clad rowing folk. There was rumour of naked rowing, pole climbing and general debauchery being on the cards, so this seemed like a good
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Old Trafford Twenty20 match report
3 minute readMahinda writes: It was a grey day in Manchestie when my motley crew headed to Old Trafford for an evening’s Twenty20 – Lankyshire versus Zummerrrrrrzet in a T20 Cup quarter-final. I’d organised a work-subsidised social. Workmate Andy had even brought his mother and two of his daughters along. We’d all
Continue readingEngland v Australia, day five at Lord’s, match report
2 minute readGed writes: Daisy was feeling a bit poorly the night before and was expressing the sort of indifference towards the outing one would normally expect from cats. I gently explained that this pair of tickets were the hottest items in town and that I was a mere 30 seconds away
Continue reading1st Ashes Test 2009 match report
2 minute readPrice writes: After driving down to Bristol on the Friday night, drinking a skin-full of Guinness, getting four hours sleep and suffering a packed train to Cardiff, we took our seats high up in the grandstand. The raging hangover subsided (through the means of hair of the dog) and we
Continue readingMiddlesex v Sussex Twenty20 match report
2 minute readSam writes: The ICC Twenty20 Bonanza (or whatever it was called) caught the imagination of the entire world, but more importantly of my girlfriend who suddenly expressed an interest in attending a live match. So off we went to Lord’s on a humid Sunday afternoon for her first proper cricket
Continue readingVarious beasts being conspicuously indifferent to cricket
2 minute readSW writes: Here are the animals of the SW household demonstrating considerable indifference to key moments of the T20 World Cup. First up there is Jasper (aka Fatty McFat). He is technically the neighbour’s cat, but they don’t feed him and call him Nike so he has rejected this emasculating
Continue readingPakistan v Netherlands World Twenty20 match report
2 minute readSomewhat surprisingly, Hippity the Green Bunny writes: I knew that daddy had planned a trip to Lord’s today with one of his friends from work, Uncail Marcas, so I devised a cunning plan. I’d jump into daddy’s picnic bag while he wasn’t looking and cadge a ride to HQ. I
Continue readingGetting cricket scores on your phone and then finding a pub with it
< 1 minute readAs we said earlier in the week, we’re sick to death of receiving press releases at the moment, so we were delighted to receive a brief match report from Simon that in no way promotes anything – least of all Snaptu’s free Cricinfo application for mobile phones. “As I sat
Continue readingMiddlesex v Glamorgan match report
< 1 minute readGed writes: My guest for the day was Charley “The Gent” Malloy. My last visit of 2008 saw Charley walk off with my tie. When I reported the loss to my mum, she informed me that the correct etiquette in such circumstances would be for me to inform Charley that
Continue readingTwo cricket bats in unusually horrifying places
< 1 minute readNonononono. This is not happening. This is NOT happening. This is NOT… HAPPENING. Remember the worst picture of all time? Now this is the worst picture of all time: It was sent in by Suave, who says: “Attached is a photo of cricket bats in unusual places. It has two
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