Cricket Venn diagrams

< 1 minute readIs there enough interest in cricket Venn diagrams to warrant making it into a regular feature? After literally more than one person complained after we didn’t provide one, we feel there is. The above is by prbass and is an excellent Venn diagram with which to kick off. The people

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England v Bangladesh match report

2 minute readWe write: After several days of maft, day three of the second Test between England and Bangladesh began with wet sunlight. It dried up mid-morning and upon arriving at Old Trafford just after 1pm, we were delighted to see that there was a Wainwright Cask Ale Tent. We paid it

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Scotland v Kent match report

2 minute readDandy Dan wanted to include whispering to Amjad Khan that his was one of the worst debut performances for England that he’d seen, but felt that was far too much to do with the cricket. Instead, he writes: The day started with a feeling of the unknown. I’d invited a

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