< 1 minute readAs the bowler runs in, lift the bat backwards in the direction of the stumps. Keep raising the bat until you feel glad. If you start to feel depressed and resentful, your bat is too high. Ensure your shoulder rolls counter-topwise at the moment the bat reaches its highest point
Continue readingCategory: Regulars
Batting stance | batting lessons
< 1 minute readSpace your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Stand side-on to the bowler on the balls of your feet but evenly balanced, pressing forward with your weight moving counter-crosswise while remaining perfectly still. Bend your knees to the extent that you feel euphoric. Try and project a high-minded yet magnanimous air
Continue readingOur reasons for starting a cricket school
< 1 minute readWe’ve just watched the fourth one-day international between Australia and England. England won, but we still haven’t got anything to say. We’re assuming this situation will persist, so to ensure that we can put up a post each day, we’re starting a new section of the site which is called
Continue readingPost Ashes graphs
< 1 minute readString sent these:
Continue readingIndia v Australia Bangalore Test match report
3 minute readRitesh writes: It was my last day as a Bangalore resident – I was saying goodbye to the city after calling it home for seven years. It was a time for quiet reflection, for spending quality time with friends and eventually for inebriated celebration. Time, in other words, for a
Continue readingSpartacus being conspicuously indifferent to Nathan Hauritz
< 1 minute readMiriam writes: Here is my cat Spartacus being conspicuously indifferent to Nathan Hauritz, just like the Australian selectors.
Continue readingThe only way to celebrate an Ashes win
< 1 minute readYou’ve got to pull out all the stops at a time like this. So here’s a Venn diagram made by someone else: Never let it be said that we don’t make the effort. Thanks Ged.
Continue readingEngland v Pakistan 2010 Oval Test, day two match report
2 minute readBradders writes: One year on from my wedding, I was again confronted with the prospect of missing more cricket. This year, however, we had decided to have our anniversary in London rather than Ireland, therefore enabling us to go to the Oval for day two of the third Test. Technically,
Continue readingEngland v Australia 2009 Oval Test match report
< 1 minute readBradders writes: My wife Pauline and I were married on the 20th August 2009 in Adare, southern Ireland. Due to it being the first day of the final Test of the Ashes series, it was obviously a momentous day. Having booked the wedding a year before (and prior to the
Continue readingEngland v Pakistan at the Rose Bowl – match report
2 minute readWe told Sam that we would ‘get this one up before the Ashes at the very latest’. Sam writes: I finish work early on Wednesdays, so I dashed home in order to catch the remainder of the final one-day international between England and Pakistan. Being far too brassic to afford
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