King Cricket this week

< 1 minute readWe’re in Portugal, but we’ve got stuff ready for the week ahead. There’s a cricket bat in an unusual place, two match reports and an email that we quite liked and decided to turn into a post, even though it’s a bit dated now. On a side note, we just

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An Ashes win equals big money

< 1 minute readYou’re an England player. You’ve won the Ashes. You get in touch with your agent: “Commercial opportunities. What have you got for me?” Your agent’s silent a minute and you can hear him shuffling some papers on his desk. “Hello. Are you there? Commercial opportunities. What have you got?” Your

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Cricket T-shirt winners

< 1 minute readWe’ve got the winners of the cricket T-shirt competition we ran about a month ago. We ran the competition late and we’re announcing the winners late. That’s pretty much the way things work round here. At the weekend we were 45 minutes late meeting our friend and it was only

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