We’re away for a few days

< 1 minute readWe’re going to the Lakes. But it’s okay, we’ve got stuff written and ready to go. You might well ask why we didn’t use some of that stuff yesterday. Well, er, it was already scheduled for next week and we, er… dunno. Shut up. This opens up the delightful possibility

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Slavishly copying Pakistan

< 1 minute readWe did a Cricinfo piece about ways England could slavishly copy Pakistan – because if you’re beaten by a particular side, it stands to reason that EVERYTHING they do is correct. One thing that we didn’t suggest was that England should try and get their opening bowlers incarcerated. We’re quite

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Still ahead of the curve

< 1 minute readThe fourth instalment of our episodic short story has been published over at Cricinfo and there’s still little sign of administrative fiction becoming a popular new literary genre. Part one Part two Part three Part four The final part should appear later in the week.

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Giles Clarke given CBE

< 1 minute readWe know this isn’t ‘news’ as such, but Giles Clarke was named in the New Year’s honours list. We believe he was awarded with a CBE for associating with known felons. Some might say that we shouldn’t hold one mistake against a man, which is true. It’s all the other

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Two more parts of a thing

< 1 minute readWe did consider upping our game with regards to post titles, but then we thought: ‘Why risk it?’ Cricinfo have published two more episodes of our increasingly bleak cricket administration short story. Happy New Year. Here are some links. Part one Part two Part three

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