< 1 minute readWe wrote about Graham Gooch’s exit as batting coach for Cricket365. Having referred to him as being a dead duck in that article, we have since found ourself absent-mindedly imagining a short story in which everyone’s favourite once-moustachioed, daddy-hundred-loving, former England opening batsman actually is a duck. In the story,
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How to pick an England team
< 1 minute readWe wrote about how to set about the task of picking an England team for Cricinfo. We were meant to do the Twitter thing, but thanks to our unrivalled ability to not really know what’s happening from one week to the next, we got it wrong. Cricinfo were very nice
Continue readingA template for a new England team
< 1 minute readCricinfo piece. Peter Moores. Lancashire. England. Read it by clicking here.
Continue readingWe wrote about Twenty20 commentary
< 1 minute readThe headline promises something of a barrel-dwelling fish shooting exercise, but hopefully it’s more than that. It’s not so much ‘T20 commentators talk utter rot‘ as ‘some T20 commentators are occasionally slow to pick up on tactical trends and they therefore assess match situations according to outdated notions of how
Continue readingIndia v Australia, 2004 Mumbai Test – match report
2 minute readRaaj writes: I didn’t even want a mobile phone but, after conceding that my post-Uni employability depended upon being contactable, I caved in and took on my schoolboy cousin’s chunky, silver Ericsson when he upgraded. It worked; I got a job and earned enough money to fly to Bombay to
Continue readingOf new eras and transitional periods
< 1 minute readWe wrote for someone else. Since we stopped writing for The Cricketer’s website a few years back, we haven’t really had an outlet for non-satirical longer articles, so we reckon that’s what we’ll do for Cricket365 and we’ll link to anything that goes up there. This first piece is about
Continue readingStart the Car: The World According to Bumble – book review
3 minute readWe finally got round to reading this. Oddly, this hasn’t clarified whether it’s worth reading or not. A friend who follows cricket fairly closely but who at the time hadn’t watched much of Sky’s coverage, once asked us about David Lloyd. He’d got the impression that Bumble was this self-consciously
Continue readingA bit of housekeeping
< 1 minute readJust to let you know that the answers to the Ashes 2013/14 crossword are now available. The link’s at the bottom of the page and there are explanations as well so that you can see how you’re stupid as well as how stupid you are. If you think that’s insulting,
Continue readingStraussCat being conspicuously indifferent to Graeme Smith’s retirement
< 1 minute readLemon Bella writes: As is customary at times like this, cricketing greats of the past must come out of the woodwork to pass opinion on the breaking news of the day. Therefore I found it necessary to consult StraussCat regarding the retirement of Graeme Smith. He wasn’t particularly interested when
Continue readingAshes 2013/14 crossword
2 minute readWe were waiting for an England win before we published this, or something like that. It absolutely isn’t that we totally forgot about it. Answers will appear when we’re reminded in a day or so. Bert writes: Life has lost its lustre. Things that were once shiny and bright are
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