< 1 minute readMike writes: Try as I might, I was unable to get Tigger to show the slightest interest in To-Ro-Jo’s debut destruction of the Saffer top order – in fact she positioned herself as far away as possible from the action, atop a throne of recently used but as-yet-unputaway guest bedding.
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Half a dozen cricket balls in an unusual place
< 1 minute readThis is how you do home décor people. Marking the other strand of our other writing life, our bike is also in the kitchen. In contrast to the cricket balls, its decorative worth is still the matter of some debate. Send your pictures of cricket bats and other cricket stuff
Continue readingBooks to read at the cricket? Iphigenia Among The Taurians by Euripides
2 minute readGed writes: Plays are generally quite good for reading during a day of county cricket. It doesn’t take all that long to read a play. In my case, this means I get to see cricket, read a play, do some general reading (e.g. from The Economist and/or The Week) and
Continue readingCricket beer carrying goes up a notch – The Device gets supersized
2 minute readRemember The Device? The Device was created about 20 years ago by Special Correspondent Dad so that he could sidestep the flimsy and unreliable cardboard beer carriers that were handed out at Old Trafford at that time. Pint-carrying technology has only advanced in two-steps-forward-one-step-back fashion since then so The Device
Continue readingKeith Pont benefit match report, Ongar Cricket Club, 1986
2 minute readChas and Nick write: Back in 1986, sister/auntie Susan worked in public relations for Rhône-Poulenc (now part of Aventis), in Ongar, Essex. She was asked by one of its cricket-loving executives to organise a cricket day for Keith Pont‘s benefit year at Ongar Cricket Club. It’s worth remembering how popular
Continue readingA cat moved from indifference by Toby Roland-Jones
< 1 minute readTom in Keynsham writes: “I know it’s not the usual thing, but it was noteworthy that our cat Olive took note of the cricket for the first time in her two-and-a-bit years on this planet during the emergence of Toe Roe-Joe.” Don’t worry, we’ve already commended Tom on providing a
Continue readingCricinfo’s new home page looks really amateur
< 1 minute readCricinfo have redesigned their website so that it looks like one of those ones that scrapes your content and republishes it in breach of copyright. The home page in particular looks like some sort of template from GoDaddy.com. The home page was dreadful before, in all honesty, but in an
Continue readingCricket Captain 2017 – PC review
4 minute readCricket Captain – formerly International Cricket Captain – has been updated pretty much annually ever since it first came out in 1998. It’s always been a must for fans and also for administrators. However, we haven’t actually reviewed it in ages, so we thought we’d better address that. Let’s deal
Continue readingSky Sports Cricket is going to be cheaper and you won’t have to subscribe
2 minute readWe were bemoaning the out-of-date way in which broadcasters sell sport to consumers a month or so ago. We said it was too expensive and you had to sign up to too much that you didn’t want. Maybe they listened. Sky Sports has announced a series of changes which will
Continue readingHenry ‘Blowers’ Blofeld to retire from TMS
2 minute readHenry Blofeld, the long-serving Test Match Special commentator with the extraordinary accent and a strong proclivity for getting players’ names wrong, is calling it a day at the end of the season. It’s safe to say we’ve always had mixed feelings about the man. If we were to try and
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