Michael Vaughan’s paint thing

< 1 minute readYou’ll have heard of Michael Vaughan’s ‘artballing’ by now. He throws, hits and bowls paint-covered cricket balls against a canvas and what results is branded ‘art’. Vaughan took this up as part of his winter getting away from cricket. We’re not entirely sure whether this really counts as ‘getting away

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Andrew Strauss loses the Ashes

< 1 minute readWhy, Andrew? Why? Why do you say these things? Have you never watched a film? You’ve just turned yourself into the character who overlooks a minor detail in the first scene, unaware of the DIRE CONSEQUENCES your seemingly minor oversight will have. Strauss was speaking about how Australia’s Phillip Hughes

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An Ian Bell interview

< 1 minute readIan Bell’s given a monumentally unenlightening interview to the BBC. Summary: ‘I want to play for England’. Towards the end, he says: “I’ve got to make sure that I’m undroppable over the second part of my England career.” You’re undroppable now, Ian. It’s just you’re undroppable in the same way

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