Derbyshire are down

< 1 minute readWorcestershire Northamptonshire are up. Surrey have an 18-year-old who can score double hundreds and may finally stop dicking about hoovering up ageing stars from other counties. We’re thinking of rebranding King Cricket ‘the home of in-depth inaccurate county cricket coverage’.

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Surrey are down

< 1 minute readLancashire are up. Nottinghamshire have won the one-day competition. Never let it be said that we can’t do “news”. If Reuters or Associated Press want to offer us a lucrative contract to churn out those inspid pieces which clog sports pages, we’re open to offers. It would be a dream

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Investing in poor debuts

< 1 minute readHow much does the ability to handle debut nerves have an impact on whether or not a player might one day thrive in Test cricket? Answer that question and you go a long way towards deciding how much attention to pay to the performances of Chris Woakes and Simon Kerrigan.

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2013 County Championship – chapter eight

< 1 minute readSame teams as last week. Slightly different order. 1st – Sussex Sussex remain top. A draw with Nottinghamshire just about crept into this week’s update. Highly efficient eating device, Samit Patel, made 157 for Nottinghamshire in that match, while highly efficient wicket-gathering device, Chris Jordan, took nine wickets for Sussex.

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