So Harry Gurney then?

2 minute readThere have been times when we’ve thought we’d learn to come up with better headlines, but we’ve since concluded that it’s just one of those things we’re never going to be very good at. They say you should work on your weaknesses, but often this is just inordinately time consuming

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Middle ground news

< 1 minute readWe’re not quite sure how to tackle the issues of the day, so in time-honoured tradition, we’re not bothering. At one extreme, we’ve got the T20 Blast. We watched Friday night’s televised game and kind of felt we should say something about it, but then we didn’t because the weather

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The Shire Horse

< 1 minute readWe’ve another thing. It’s a fortnightly column for All Out Cricket called The Shire Horse. It’s non-serious, so you don’t have to sigh and roll your eyes at our making an attempt to ‘say something’. We hope you’re okay with the fact that we’re increasingly linking to stuff we’ve written

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The Liam Plunkett thing

< 1 minute readIf you read about county cricket much, you’ll be familiar with this kind of thing. A player you hadn’t thought about a right lot suddenly starts worming his way into every second article, even though he doesn’t seem to have done anything especially eyecatching. In May 2014, that person is

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Or how about Samit Patel?

< 1 minute readThis early season is taking us back. Before Panesar and then Swann, picking an England spin bowler was like buying discounted fruit and veg. There was something wrong with whatever you chose, but could you find a way of using it somehow? You needed the vitamins, after all. We feel

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You’re in the wrong place

< 1 minute readBecause honestly, what’s the point updating this website on a day when someone else has published a Rob Key interview? It reminds us why we like him. What is the best thing about playing cricket at Canterbury? There’s a Sainsbury’s at the ground. Ever since 2008, we’ve had a draft

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