Australian cricket match report

2 minute readPrice writes: Whilst on a recent jaunt to Australia to a wedding that didn’t happen, I decided to go watch some kind of Australian cricket, which was fraught with difficulty: Attempt 1 Having researched that there was cricket on my first day in Perth, I duly jetlagged my way through

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A cricket ball in an unusual place

< 1 minute readGed writes: “You might fancy the attached picture of Hippity (one of Middlesex’s most ardent fans and a well-known correspondent on Middlesex Till We Die) watching cricket while sitting on the bed with his lucky ball. “Given the particular controller he is using, he is clearly watching Ceefax, which is

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England Women v Pakistan Women ODI

< 1 minute readGed writes: Following several days of enforced 5am starts, I was looking forward to sleeping in a bit longer on Thursday, especially as I was cream-crackered by 10pm Wednesday. But of course, once you’ve got your body used to early starts, it just does its own thing. So although I

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