Mark Pougatch on TMS

< 1 minute readWe’ve nothing against Mark Pougatch personally, but he doesn’t bring a great deal to Test Match Special. It smacks of the Manish Bhasin debacle during the Ashes and the World Cup. On the plus side, at least he doesn’t sound like some throwback to the British Raj, unlike some of

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Ravi Bopara does even more DIY

< 1 minute readIf you’re tired of updates about an indifferent Ravi Bopara helping to promote Nuts magazine via a National Shed Week PR stunt, then you might want to stop reading now. Because here’s Ravi standing outside a shed with his drill and his barbecue and also his rake: We’re hungry by

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Match reports and other assorted crap

< 1 minute readJust to let you all know, we’ve changed our email address to Our old email provider, Bluebottle, said we had to start paying for their service. They gave us 72 hours notice. Any of the following will be more than welcome at the new address: (1) Match reports. Keep

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