Old Trafford Twenty20 match report

3 minute readMahinda writes: It was a grey day in Manchestie when my motley crew headed to Old Trafford for an evening’s Twenty20 – Lankyshire versus Zummerrrrrrzet in a T20 Cup quarter-final. I’d organised a work-subsidised social. Workmate Andy had even brought his mother and two of his daughters along. We’d all

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Sky’s speed guns

< 1 minute readWe’d say they gave readings about 3mph more than other cricket speed guns. That’s based on years of watching Andrew Flintoff and James Anderson and pretty much knowing their bowling speeds by now. How should we react to this? We should all try and make the effort to be 3mph

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1st Ashes Test 2009 match report

2 minute readPrice writes: After driving down to Bristol on the Friday night, drinking a skin-full of Guinness, getting four hours sleep and suffering a packed train to Cardiff, we took our seats high up in the grandstand. The raging hangover subsided (through the means of hair of the dog) and we

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Shane Warne as commentator for Sky Sports

< 1 minute readAs a commentator, Shane Warne‘s all that’s good about Australians: he’s straightforward, honest and not afraid to say what he’s thinking. Warne’s at his best describing spin bowling, but it’s also fascinating to hear about life in the Australia team. Without actually saying that he thought any particular player was

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