Chuck Fleetwood-Smiths hit Cricinfo

< 1 minute readWe have to plug the Chuck Fleetwood-Smiths (Jarrod Kimber and Sam Collins, formerly Two Pricks at the Ashes) because Jarrod wore our T-shirt yesterday. We had an extended discussion about Jarrod’s mooted attire earlier in the week, during which we told him about the time a friend had seen us

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Batter or batsman? | Fielder or fieldsman?

< 1 minute readDo you have strong feelings about this? Here at King Cricket we favour ‘batsman’ and ‘fielder’. Why ‘batsman’? The word ‘batter’ has plenty of meanings. It doesn’t need any more. Batter is what you dip a fish in before you fry it. Batter is what people do to you if

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How can England have three captains?

< 1 minute readIt’s fine if you have a clearly defined management structure. By defining the hierarchy and outlining key responsibilities for all staff, everyone knows their role and they can all work together to meet key business goals. Team England really needs a corporate motto. That was a link to our latest

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Floodlit Test cricket – angry or amazed?

< 1 minute readAmazed. While looking for an image to accompany this post, we discovered that we’d already covered this subject once before. Still, that never normally stops us, so let’s plough on. Give the people what they want That seems a sensible way to market your sport. In England, people don’t particularly

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A cricket sign

< 1 minute readNe says: “I saw this.” We asked where it was taken. He said: “In Cardiff. I think.” We asked if he had anything else to add. Ne added that it was taken “in a park”.

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Failure to repeat until funny

< 1 minute readFrom the comments on our latest Cricinfo article: “Ok, the sole joke of the article was silence, and quite frankly it needed at least a bit more to take it anywhere. Page 2 has definitely seen much better.” It’s a dark day. We’re going to have to redouble our efforts.

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