Who’s your favourite cricketer?

< 1 minute readAnd why? We think we might be interested, but we reserve the right to change our opinion should you write 3,000 words without any line breaks. Our favourite cricketer was Waqar Younis, as you’ll know if you used to read what was then The Wisden Cricketer. We don’t think the

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Laszlo is indifferent to Chris Gayle‏

< 1 minute readMichael sent us this picture, the title above and nothing else: Our unquenchable thirst for information led us to ask whether Laszlo was named after a fictional character mentioned by Troy McClure in a Simpson’s episode. Michael replied: “He’s indirectly named after the cinematographer, but mostly I just liked the

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Forming opinions about batsmen

< 1 minute readSometimes we’ve watched a batsman for the first time and thought he looked okay without reaching any conclusion beyond that. When other people have then waxed lyrical about the same player, this has left us feeling like a fraud for writing about cricket. How have we not seen the talent

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Yankees v Red Sox match report

4 minute readRichard writes: My impression of baseball is that, while on a different scale to county cricket, it is still the sort of game you can just turn up to and get in. There are loads of games, big stadiums and entry doesn’t generally require tortuous membership schemes or frantically hitting

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The fans want to see lots of boundaries

< 1 minute readSomeone stated this as fact during commentary on one of the World Twenty20 games. Can’t remember who. Some idiot. He said that fans didn’t want to see wickets, they wanted to see loads of fours and sixes. He spoke about ‘fans’ as if they were an entirely different species, rather

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Sky’s World Twenty20 studio pundits

2 minute readThere is a very different feel to Sky’s coverage of the World Twenty20. It’s not the usual Test match team of presenters and pundits and we’re quite thankful for that. It’s not that Sky’s coverage is normally bad. It’s just very familiar. That David Gower and Ian Botham world can

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Twenty20 cricket is a lottery

< 1 minute readOr so they say, yet in the World Twenty20 tickets were bought by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ireland and Zimbabwe and none won so much as a tenner. Twenty20 isn’t a lottery. The margins are smaller because it’s a shorter game and therefore luck can perhaps play a larger part than in

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