IPL teams’ official Twitter accounts

< 1 minute readWe don’t normally link to our Cricinfo Twitter round-up because, you know, we can’t really be bothered. However, we thought we’d make the effort this week because the subject matter might be slightly more of interest to you. As you know, we’re ‘down’ with all the modern trends (it’s presumably

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Two cats being indifferent to King Cricket

< 1 minute readBradders writes: “Please see evidence of the indifference shown by my two cats (Jaffa on left, Seamus the Celtic Warrior on right) to cricket, but also more specifically your website. “I left it on for a bit and for a while nothing happened. However, eventually Jaffa (through some careful standing

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When is an ODI not an ODI?

< 1 minute readEngland Lions are in the process of playing (and losing) ‘unofficial ODIs’ against Australia A. Even though it’s of no consequence whatsoever, we aren’t happy with that label. ODI stands for one-day international, but if two sides defined by their players being from particular countries play each other, is that

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How do you pick a Test team?

2 minute readHere’s a question: if all records and memory of Test history were erased, how would you select your playing XI for the next match? Would the side differ from the one that would take the field normally? There’s always context. There are always past Test achievements to go off. Many

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