Why in blazes do you read this website?

3 minute readWe’d really appreciate a bit of feedback about the site. First, some background and an explanation as to why we’re asking. Background We’ve written this website in one form or another since the start of 2006. We wrote just over a thousand posts on the old .blogspot.com domain and have

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Sitting out England matches as a fan

< 1 minute readBeing as this website is pretty much written by one person and being as you read this website, it shouldn’t be all that outlandish to suggest that you read something we’ve written elsewhere. Yes, we know that the comments are the main thing here, but even so, surely something must

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Monty’s unacceptable urination

< 1 minute readYou may remember our cat, Monty. Here he is being conspicuously indifferent to cricket a few years back. He’s actually sitting on the cricket pages, the heathen. What you might not know about Monty is that he likes to piss on things. On one memorable occasion, he walked into the

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