Andrew Strauss, England captain

< 1 minute readThroughout history, the British have had a fail-safe method for dealing with times of crisis. They find the most sensible person among their number and they tell them that they’re in charge. A new era has dawned. An era of stoicism. An era of doing the decent thing. An era

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Kevin Pietersen’s resignation

< 1 minute readKevin Pietersen did not resign this morning. He wants to be very clear on that, okay? He did NOT resign this morning. He resigned this afternoon. From his resignation statement: “Contrary to media speculation today, I wish to make it very clear that I did not resign as captain of

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Kevin Pietersen and Peter Moores resign

< 1 minute readMaybe we don’t need Pakistan cricket after all. We’ve got England for back-stabbing and intrigue now. Officially, Kevin Pietersen and Peter Moores both resigned. Unofficially, well, does it matter what really happened, does it? Those halcyon days of long-term planning under Duncan Fletcher seem longer ago and more valuable by

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Kevin Pietersen’s switch hit

< 1 minute readWe’d bet that there aren’t many reading this site, but there are nevertheless a great number of people out there who’d brand Kevin Pietersen’s switch hitting ‘irresponsible’. It really isn’t. He doesn’t just do it on a whim. He decided it was a good way of scoring runs with a

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Something about Vodafone and England

< 1 minute readWe’re not interested in sponsorship really. However, we do hate people with corporate titles and we outright loathe meaningless PR speak, so we did actually make the effort to read the news about Vodafone not sponsoring England any more. We also hate Vodafone because they have ‘-fone’ in their name,

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Virender Sehwag wins two matches

1 minute readIndia couldn’t have won the first Test without Sachin Tendulkar’s contribution, but we’re a great believer in sportsfolk affecting the opposition and influencing matches that way. We wrote about how Virender Sehwag’s approach to batting turns bowlers into smeared-panted long-hop machines, but we reckon he transformed the whole England side

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A fun cricket game

< 1 minute readWhat a match. A victory for cricket being about hitting a ball with a bat as well, not it being about some middle-aged men in suits planning what car to buy next – which is what the game can often feel like these days. Nobody cares about your status symbols,

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