Ravi Bopara and Alastair Cook

< 1 minute readRavi Bopara and Alastair Cook have batted together for Essex for ten years or so. They make an odd, but effective, couple. Cook’s a gangling left-handed posho who’s lumpen at the crease and nervy in front of the camera. Bopara’s a podgy, right-handed bloke, who’s often aggressive at the crease

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Ravi Bopara celebrates

< 1 minute readIt’s nice to have a batsman who celebrates his hundreds through the lost art of mime. In Barbados he did a funny bow and arrow thing upon reaching three figures. Yesterday, he outlined the Lord’s honours board and scribbled his name on it. Ravi Bopara could have played flawlessly for

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Advice for Fidel Edwards

< 1 minute readMaybe just bowl at the stumps, eh? Surely by now you’ve realised that your team mates have tiny, rigid, Lego man hands with unbending fingers that can’t catch cricket balls. Give it up. They’re only going to let you down. Fidel Edwards took 4-53 today and could quite realistically have

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Rob Key – England opening batsman

< 1 minute readJust imagine the match announcer saying: “Opening the batting for England: Robert Key and someone else.” Because that’s what they’d say. They wouldn’t name the second batsman, because there would be NO POINT. The announcer has already given you all the information you could ever need: It’s England and it’s

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