Graeme Swann’s joyous bat throwing

< 1 minute readAfter his lower order skittering, Graeme Swann claimed that Mushtaq Ahmed was his batting mentor. Graeme Swann’s pleasingly unafraid to tell outright lies every now and again, but we think he was serious about this. Mushtaq Ahmed shouldn’t be anybody’s batting mentor. You can’t just find the nearest person who’s

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Kevin Pietersen’s stupid shot

< 1 minute readNot interested. Some say it was irresponsible. Some say it’s the way he plays. This is not the first time people have pored over a Pietersen dismissal. Kevin Pietersen plays a lot of stupid shots. He gets away with almost all of them. His dismissals often look worse than those

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Ashes players to watch tomorrow

2 minute readYou might have noticed a certain jaded world-weariness about our recent Ashes coverage as a result of mindless media coverage smotheration. It feels right that we should return to our natural demeanour at a time when everyone else is bouncing about like there’s a lot of bouncing to be done

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